Saturday, 30 May 2009

Move over darling

I've just moved this blog over to a new Wordpress site. Far better features. Will redirect the link in time (in between nappy changers) but until then click here to go to the new blog


Wednesday, 27 May 2009

I'm a slave to Ava

Still getting over yesterday's events. (Hope you enjoyed the Twitter feed - the Indie picked up on it.)

Nothing really prepares you for the birth of your first child. For the last nine months, I'd heard the same thing from every parent - it's life changing, it's life affirming (and from the Dad's a line spoken with a wearily knowing - even sadistic - tone - "Mate, you're life will NEVER be the same again. Get your sleep in NOW!")

But when I held little Ave Grace in my arms, I got it.

I, like any other man, have put myself first for the vast majority of my life. This changed when I met Roz but there was still an element of me, me, me.

But as soon as I looked into those little blue eyes, that selfishness disappeared like sunlight heralding the end of a long dark night.

My two ladies come before everything now.

I am just a nappy-changing, bottom-wiping, cash-dispensing slave.

And I'm loving every minute of it.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

The Good, the Nad and the Ugly

I've just been tying up the loose ends before going on paternity leave. I did a handover with my partner Alex before popping off to meet my CLP's ward organisers on the European Elections.

Roz has been a saint. She's getting very tired now but has worked so hard to get everything ready for the baby - three days and counting.

But while I was looking online for one of those collapseable prams featured on the Apprentice - we were at that Baby Show when they were filming the episode but were too busy to pop over - I caught up on the latest developments on expenses.

Seems Nadine Dorries is getting a hell of a kicking for yesterday's comments. Now I'm not her biggest fan. I thought she over-egged her victim status over Smeargate and was pretty petty over Gordon's apology letter.

I also thought comparing Expensegate to McCarthyism is pretty spurious - McCarthyism persecuted people's political beliefs not their financial arrangements. Blaming the Fees Office is also nothing but buck passing too.

But I find it remarkable that her blog has been taken down just because it criticizes the Telegraph's owners, the Barclay Brothers. Dizzy has the scoop.

So it's fair to day I don't agree with anything Nadine says. But I absolutely defend her write to say it on the net.

Whether her theory is true or not, is not really relevant. It's an opinion.

What does matter, is that the owners of a paper that has paid £350,000 to a 'whistleblower,' should then silence someone who speaks out against them. That's hypocrisy.

Surely it would have been better just to have left a comment on, or email, Nad's blog. She could then have referred to it, admit she was wrong or carry a clarification.

Blogs might at times run round rings round the dead tree press, but two things are very clear today.

Firstly, papers like the Telegraph are more than happy to dish it out but not so keen to take it.

And secondly, the mainstream media will always have the deepest pockets.

By the way, I predict quite a few more exposes on John Wick and his company tomorrow.

By his own admission in today's Telegraph Wick says: "Several former commissioners of the Metropolitan Police have served on the boards of my companies."

In the light of this, there are legitimate questions to be asked as to why the Met Police decided not to prosecute those who leaked the expenses.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad MP expenses were going to be published. What get's my goat is that someone has earned a third of a million pounds after hawking these discs around Fleet Street for the last two months and then has the gall to spin themselves as a noble whistleblower.

I think once people realise these expense claims were all going to come out in July anyway, they might start to see this for what it really is.

Handling stolen goods.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Go Third!

I still can't believe that a week today I'm going to be a dad.

These last few months have flown post so quickly. If I'm honest, setting up my business and Go Fourth has taken up a lot more of my time than I'd originally expected.

Spending the last Bank Holiday weekend driving around the north in a Transit Van with Les Dawson didn't exactly win me brownie points with Roz. And running last week's Wage Concern campaign meant a lot of late nights at work too.

But I've been working from home for the last couple of days, finishing the 'nest' and getting last minute baby booty.

I can't help thinking that I'm coming to the end of the first part of my life, where for the vast majority of it, I came first.

But from next Tuesday, I will Go Third - behind a very understanding wife and our beautiful child.